Monday 1 July 2013

My Sexy Body Usually Drives Men Crazy - Actress Mimiano

If you talk of Memunat Yunusa, a lot of people will wonder who are talking about, but immediately you mention Mimiano the lovers of of Yoruba movies will remember the drop dead gorgeous lady with a figure to die for. In an interview with City People, she confessed that her sexy body usually drives men crazy. Excerpt from the interview:
Some people think that you are one of the sexiest actress in the industry, so which part of your body do you think is the sexiest?
You tell me, it's not for me to say because I can't see myself but people around me do. I wouldn't know, after all you are a man and you know what you saw in your wife before you married her.

But which part do men usually comment on?
So much about my sexy shape! I don't know some will say, oh I love your shape. You've got hot shape, beautiful legs, blah blah, blah. But I just know that God gave me a nice body