Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Hamptons Residents Loved Kanye West in Django Unchained

EAST HAMPTON—After overcoming the initial fear of going to watch a movie starring both an African-American and a German, Hamptons residents aged 45-65 gave Django Unchained extremely favorable reviews. In particular, viewers noted how much they loved the movie’s leading man, Kanye West .
“I really went out on a limb with this movie,” reported David Shirazi, dentist and father of two. “My usual rule of thumb is: don’t go blacker than Will Smith.”
“But then my daughter told me Kanye West is married to a Persian girl, so I decided to give him a chance.”
Another Hamptons resident, Jessica Goldman, expressed similar reluctance. “At first all the racial slurs made me really uncomfortable—there’s a reason I don’t listen to hip-hop music or watch the Tyler Perry channel.”
“But eventually, you know, I just kind of got used to it. Plus, that Kanye fellow is kind of cute— he must be related to Denzel!”
Goldman then changed her Facebook status to, “Kanye West totally has the Oscar in the bag this year.” She added that she “can’t wait to see him on ‘Law & Order: SVU’ next week.”