Wednesday 22 May 2013

How I Handle The Insults Nigerians Throw At Me - SoundCity's Moet Abebe

Here's what Laura Monyeazo Abebe aka Moet said when she was asked how she handles insults people throw at her in a very recent interview with Flytime TV. Moet actually has a law degree from the University of Manchester. Nigerian Music TV Show Hostess In Se% Tape Mess

With the work I do I always hope for the best but expect the worst. I hope I have been able to get genuine fans who love and appreciate what I do but at the same time, I do know that not everyone will like me as I am very far from perfect.

So I expect to get a few insults tossed at me here and there especially on twitter. I often ignore the insults because I know who I am and those who know me love me for me. However, one thing I do know is that I will not take any insults towards my family lightly and those are the times I speak out to ensure that I'm not looking to be liked but I will be respected.

•My advice to aspiring youths

I'm not necessarily one to give advice because I am still making mistakes and learning from them but the one piece of advice I would pass on to the youths aspiring to be as bold and as daring as myself would be to always remain persistent.

Nothing comes easy. You rise and then you fall and then you rise again. The main thing is to have your eye on your individual goal and have it at the back of your mind that you will not give up till you cross the finish line.

•Moet in seven words:

Moët is a strong, easy-going extrovert chasing her dreams