Monday 4 February 2013

Bieber's Latest Hit: Justin Bieber Sued By Former Bodyguard, For Hitting Him

That fall from grace is edging ever closer for Justin Bieber as today, The Hollywood Reporter have revealed that one of the singer’s former bodyguards is suing him for punching him in the chest.
Moshe Benabou claims that the ‘Baby’ popster owes him over $420,000 (£26,000) in overtime payments and when he tried to discuss this with his former boss, Justin – faced with ‘deal with this like and adult’ or ‘throw a hissy fit, like a spoilt brat’ opted for the latter, it would seem.
The lawsuit from Benabou claims that Bieber, unhappy with the suggestion that he owed his employee such a large sum of money, started to hit his bodyguard. “As part of this tirade, Justin Bieber repeatedly punched Moshe Benabou in the chest and upper body area,” the file reveals. “Mr. Benabou did not retaliate or attempt to protect himself out of his concerns for Justin Bieber's physical well-being.” Apparently, when Benabou walked away from the attack, Bieber added insult to injury and told him that he was fired.
This is just the latest in a string of allegations that are seriously clouding Justin Bieber’s ‘butter-wouldn’t melt’ image. There are images of him apparently smoking wed at a party, backing up earlier allegations that the young pop star has been giving his staff a hard time and smoking weed all the time. We hope he remembers to pay his PR team their overtime, because they’ll be in for so